



The rural populations living close to the combat zones in the Kharkiv, Donetsk and Zaporijia regions are particularly suffering from the devastation caused by more than two and a half years of war. The daily bombardments have destroyed civilian infrastructures (schools, hospitals, houses), as well as energy structures (water, gas and electricity) and communication routes (destroyed bridges, mined and/or damaged roads). These rural populations are thus deprived of access to medical care and are living in a critical humanitarian situation. With no means of transport and very few economic resources, the vulnerable elderly and/or disabled living in these half-ruined villages cannot get to the hospitals in the neighbouring towns that are still operational. 


The aim of Dignitas Ukraine is to safeguard the health and access to healthcare of the Ukrainian population by setting up mobile medical clinics in unoccupied rural areas of the Kharkiv and Donetsk regions. Operationally, the clinics consist of 1 to 3 mobile units, providing advanced consultations for 1 to 3 general practitioners and/or specialists and a nurse.


The United Nations Health Cluster (led by the WHO), in which we participate, encourages us to fill the humanitarian "gap", while of course complying with safety protocols (our members are trained in first aid and follow a mine risk education course offered by Handicap International in Kharkiv). For these reasons, our mobile clinics are primarily aimed at this vulnerable rural population.



Our Results in numbers

We're proud and thankful for every dollar you donate!

64,000 euros

We have collected


Children have already benefited from equine Therapy program


Medical consultations were carried out in 2024


Volunteers involved